Someone’s turning eight…

She honestly was born just yesterday.

She called out, “My boys, my boys” every time she saw her brothers.  She cuddled with my youngest son in her crib (video proof).

Now, on Memorial Day, she is eight.

It’s hard to believe growing up happens so quickly.  Days sometimes crawl but as you look back they were gone in a single breath.

We celebrated her birthday with friends by a chilly pool, but kids don’t care!  They had a blast.

One forgot her suit so she swam in her clothes.  We’re easy like that.

Her brothers even made an appearance.  This is one of my favorite shots.  Something about the tilt of his head, the texture of his hair….

Life flies by so quickly.

Go hug your kids.


  1. Shannon Wroblewski says:

    I love how you capture all of these special moments in your kids lives Julie! When all of your kids are grown you should turn your blog into a book and then they will have the story of their lives to pass down to their kids 🙂

  2. Shannon, thanks so much. I’ve had several people tell me that. At least the blog will be there for them all to see forever even if it’s not published.

  3. I remember when that little peanut was born! And now she’s nearly as tall as me (which isn’t sayin’ much.) Give her a big ol birthday hug from all of us. Miss you guys!

  4. Julie, if ever there was a reincarnation of yourself growing up we’re witnessing it in her looks and actions. I always told you “What goes around comes around. Seems just such a little while that I was there when we all crowded into that delivery room to witness a little miracle. Love, Dad

    • I remember all too well. She looks just like me (even to me) now. She’s a little Julie for sure.
      Hope I didn’t talk as much as she does. Boy she has a lot of words!!! But I love her to pieces.

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