Know thyself…

Scooper has been blogging about knowing thyself.

I believe knowing oneself is where we find wisdom and knowledge through God.  And I believe God is all about the business of helping us know ourselves, for He made us and He truly knows us.  He sees the parts of us we hide and he wants to bring those into the light so we know them too.  Sometimes it is to rid us of something that is hindering our “abundant life” here on this strange planet. Other times it’s just so we know our limitations, grieve over them and delve deeper into His abundance and love, growing evermore dependent upon HIM.

This weekend we experienced the horrible tragedy of someone we love losing their 7 year old daughter in a car accident.

My heart breaks for this family as I know this is a valley that will take a long time to get through.  I desperately pray attempting to touch the Throne of Grace with my prayers for them.  I pray and I pray and I pray for them to feel God’s love and to know that Thursday was sweet Emma’s time to be with the Lord.  It doesn’t make being here without her any easier though and I know just existing from one moment to the next seems impossible.

I can’t imagine anything worse than losing a child.  No parent should outlive their child……ever.  Yet, I do not write the playbook.  Only the Father does that.  And I know He sits with them as they experience the same loss He did when Jesus laid his life down for each one of us.

In these situations it is so hard to believe that God never gives us more than we can handle.

This seems impossible.

In knowing thyself……I wish I could take their pain away.  I wish I could hold them and comfort them.  I wish I could bring Emma back.

Yet, I am limited.  So I pray.  I pray unceasingly.  And I love them from afar.

If you or a loved one has experienced such loss my dear blog-o-sphere friend Marsha speaks so wonderfully to all they have gone through after losing their son on her blog .  When My Heart is Breaking is one of my favorite posts.  Because I know sometimes the death of my mom can hit me slap upside the face, unexpectedly, and all I can do is cry.


  1. Girl, the first paragraph of this post hit me right where I am today…God wanting to bring all the hidden stuff to light so that we can experience that abundant life. I’ve been blind to so much about myself but it’s like the layers of an onion being peeled back. I thought I knew everything there was to know about myself but I was wrong. The “knowing” is exhausting work and I’m already so tired!

  2. I know it’s exhausting. I only find peace in it when I know God’s leading. Then I trust it’s only what I can handle. But today I need to do school and all I want to do is nap. The world feels mean. I’m ready for eternity. I normally don’t feel the world around me but with two deaths in our lives this weekend it’s feeling awfully cruel.
    I love you,

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