Art for $0?

I ran into this wonderful idea today after roaming around Scooper’s blog.

A Soft Place To Land has the greatest blog!

She had this idea for cork board art.

Being the great copy cat I am I remembered saving paintings the kids did this year because I love the colors in them.  Buying a frame for each one seemed totally unreasonable so this was an idea that hit me square between the eyes.

Here’s one of the kids paintings…

Great color, huh?

I had the this tall cork board and started putting two and two together and came out with this.

Now I liked this okay but realized I loved the white frame at A Soft Place to Land.  So…..

It still needs another coat and isn’t as fancy as the frame I copied but I just love it.  Cost?  $0.00.  Had the board and the paint!!!  I’m happy

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