Whether it’s here or there…

Most of you know that we’ve been living in a rental house for over a year now.  I was just sure our house in SC (above photo…..oh, not the bird house, just a bird house in our front yard) would sell quickly and we’d be buying a home in FL in no time!  But, alas, I was wrong (not surprising).

After 10 years in SC it was difficult to leave the home we loved, the friendships we had formed and the homeschool group we were apart of.

Since moving to FL God has been so gracious to put many interesting people in our path.  I’ve met 3 Messianic Jews….I think that is super cool.   One was the man at the Oreck store today.  He came to know Christ after a major brain surgery in which he could have died had they not performed the surgery within hours.

Last weekend I met a woman on the beach who attends the same church we do, is teaching at Classical Conversations this year (I taught there last year), lives in the neighborhood beside us and is a professional photographer.  She homeschools her three children on top of all that!!  She was wonderful and I felt it was a God-ordained trip to the beach that day.

We’re anxiously awaiting a close date on our home.  Here she is!!

I LLOOVVEE, love, love the kitchen…

We feel it is such a gift from our Father!  We all absolutely love it and can not wait to move in.

As we anxiously await God’s timing for moving in I am keenly aware of the journey He has taken us on through the last year.

He’s used the time to help us select a section of this big city we live in.  And he’s provided so much for my youngest and oldest children.  Last year was a tough homeschool year.  One child was diagnosed with ADHD and I fought that tooth and nail.  I’ve read books, searched on the computer for answers and have been led by God through a friend to a wonder center Learning Rx.  The place is amazing.  They retrain the brain to be able to pay greater attention, retain and store what they’ve seen or learned, retrieve that information, process information more quickly and a tremendous amount of other things!  Check out their website.  We are concentrating on our learning there for the first part of the year and I am so looking forward to what God is going to do with my children through the center.  I feel I am setting them up for future success in life and attacking the real issues going on in their brains and not just the symptoms.

I have even found an app for the ITouch that I am going to use to exercise my muscle called “The Brain”.  Lumosity also offers an affordable solution if you are interested in exercising your brain online.  Take a look at their website too.

After posting a Community Question on Pioneer Woman’s website months ago I have taken an amazing journey to find what I believe is the next step in helping my children succeed in life.  The brain is an amazing muscle that needs exercising and even tho I still believe in right brain vs left brain thinking (to a degree) I’m learning more and more about developing cognitive skills and long and short term memory, auditory work memory, working memory, visual processing, logic and reasoning, processing speed, auditory processing and spelling of sounds.

God’s journey is never our own….even tho it is.  He just has a different way of bringing us around so we know that we know it’s Him and not us!!!


  1. Very interesting how God has led you all to learn about the brain component in all this. I’m learning some of that too with my fibro. It’s a new path that I’m exploring. I just went for my first appointment with the doc today and was amazed (and somewhat overwhelmed) with all of the information he shared with me.

    I’m so glad that you’ve met some neat folks there – especially the fellow homeschool/photography mom. That is SO cool. God always provides just what we need just when we need it. Rejoicing with you!

  2. I enjoyed reading this post because it’s always fun to read how God’s plan works out perfectly. It’s hard to see where He’s leading us while we’re in the midst of a major journey, but then when we look back, it’s an amazing “ah-ha!” moment. I have a close friend going down the same path with her child. It’s as though God put off the house purchase so you could focus on this new opportunity for your children.

    BTW, love the kitchen! You’ll have to blog a photo of you fixing something yummy in there!

    • Michelle, how about coming for a visit and I’ll photograph you cooking something yummy in my kitchen?
      We’re near the beach!!!!!!!

  3. I am so happy for you all. I know you have felt in limbo way to long. I hope your school year goes well for you. Here’s a little beginning of the year treat for you: http://www.maryjanesandgaloshes.com/2011/02/printable-camera-poster.html.
    I saw that printable and thought you’d appreciate it.

  4. Jenn Mealy says:

    Oh Julie! I miss you! That last line really hit me today…some days the journey is just not easy and I so want to run the other way. Thank you for a new perspective on why it is what it is. Must be I haven’t had time to check in here for a while just becasue I would need to hear this today!

  5. Hey! I have been thinking about you. I am so happy for your family and the NEW HOUSE! What a kitchen! That is so awesome. God knows exactly what we need. His plans are perfect.
    We have just completed move number 5 in 18 months. It has been rather hectic. We are back in our original house that we own. However, we will not be here long. I think it is almost over for the frequent moving soon. Looking for His great plans for us!

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