
Friendship…what a beautiful word.  It evokes warm fuzzy feelings, laughter, sadness, and gratefulness in my heart.

I have friends who are hurting.  And I hurt with them.  I have friends who are struggling and I struggle with them.  I have friends wrestling the darkness of Satan wanting his way in their lives and I wrestle with them.  As I pray and plead for victory in the heavenlies for these sweet friends I look to the ONE who gives us all hope.  The only One who is Hope.  The One who gave the ultimate sacrifice, his life.

As Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes:  “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:  If one falls down, his friend can help him up, But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.  But how can one keep warm alone?  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecc 4:9-12

Aren’t you glad you have those “once in a lifetime”, “always got your back”, “love you anyway” kind of friends?  Let them know.

I am so thankful to have those kinds of friends in my life.


  1. Your words – my heart!!! Well said my dear friend, well said.

  2. Hey Julie! Thank you for always being a friend to me!! You are such a wonderful, inspirational woman of God. Big hugs from me to you!
    P.S. We are having another BOY!!!!….and are SOOOOO excited!

  3. Love you!!!

  4. Just what I was thinking except that I do not think anyone is struggling and suffering with me right now. I want to move ahead into what God has for me, but I feel like I am stuck in the same mouse wheel over and over and over. I cannot seem to win the fight sometimes. I feel like I am in a rut getting deeper and deeper. I think I complain and whine every time I open my mouth so I feel worse because I am whining and complaining. Hence, the mouse wheel I must be on. I want to feel victorious and enjoy my life and my children, but I do not know how to be happy right now.

    • Dear friend….you are tired, worn down and need someone to pray and stand in the gap for you. “Lord, fight the battle Rachel can not fight right now. Be her constant companion. Let your Holy Spirit be thick. Give her rest, natural and supernatural. Send her a new friend. Help her take time for her. Show her how beautiful she is in your sight. Love her, Lord.” And let her know I’m struggling alongside her with my prayers for her. Let her know how much I miss her smile.

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