Pop-Warner Football

We’ve moved from Rec League football in SC to Pop Warner football in Fla.  I think our family is going to like the changes.  Academics are stressed along with discipline and a team approach to practice, playing and winning/losing.  I’ve noticed they do a lot of running not only for exercise but for discipline as well.

My second-born likes to pace himself and blast off on the final lap.  He usually rounds the corner first.

There is lots of stretching and conditioning the first week.

You can get ’em…..stretch!!!

Here’s #1 son who hates to have his photo taken now.  When were they allowed opinions?

Some more stretching…

Line Leaders must be responsible for keeping their line straight.

But my guy always does it with a smile…

I love that about him!!

I think I might have a budding soccer player in my midst…

This one is going to be a soccer player because it’s all she’s talked about for a year now!!!

My babies are so grown up!  Just looking at this picture of baby girl makes me realize she really does need a new nickname.




  1. Hi! We do Pop Warner too – several years now and I like the emphasis on the grades and sportsmanship. We’re in head over our heals with four playing so I’m pretty much doing just that until Nov. I guess 🙂 But it’s great for all.

    Hope you are doing well! I’ve been taking a break from much blogging and reading of blogs this summer. Have missed keeping in touch – but know at the same time, got to keep things priority.

    have a great week!
    a. ann

  2. Hey Julie! Love the new pictures of the kiddos. You can start calling Baby Girl “Sister Girl”….that is still my nickname to this day….probably evolved from Baby Girl too. Love and hugs!

  3. We have gone from two boys in soccer down to one. David is a bit bummed since he played from the time he was 4 years old all the way through college(with his dad as coach for most of the years!).

    Regarding your comment on my blog, this is our first year with CC and we are just doing Essentials. Foundations was full but Essentials fills the need that we have in our homeschool just fine. I am pretty happy with our other curriculum choices and Essentials seems like the right complement. They want to start a group in my side of town, but there is no way I can start up something like that, especially with this being my first year. And I seriously don’t think I’m up for tutoring. Not that I can’t do it, but that I have way too many responsibilities right now. So far, I am very impressed with our CC director and the Essentials tutor. I can’t wait to get started!

  4. Ugh! We start soccer back up soon and I’m not ready for the increased busyness. They’re SO fun to watch though.
    Love, Alyssa

  5. Girl, these pictures make me miss all of your babies. : (

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