Moving to Florida

It’s taken days and days and days to pack just a portion of our house.  Trying to decide what to take and what to bring has been one of the hardest things we’ve had to do.  Since our house (up north – smile) hasn’t sold we wanted to leave it ready for showings and our own visitations.

Honestly, I have only moved myself one time and that was when I married Rocketman.  I didn’t have much then…a small U-Haul hooked to the back of his Jeep, $7 in my bank account and livin’ on love I moved to Memphis TN.

Fourteen years and 4 kids later life is a little bigger.  I repeatedly found myself saying, “Lord, I have too much stuff.”  And although we purge often and donate locally I wondered if He wanted me to hear myself saying those words.  How much of that stuff never gets touched??

Certainly a lot in the basement in SC are things that have been boxed up for house showings hasn’t been touched in months.  Most of it is my scrapbooking stuff.  I promised myself I’d scrapbook this summer.  But after toting what feels like half of my life to Florida I’m really don’t want to see another rubber tote for quite some time.  Some of it is camping gear.  We camp often… our yard, under our carport.  I’m telling you, “It’s the life.”

This is our biggest move since our marriage since the last time we moved we had two kids.  One was two and one was a wee 11 months old.  Now we’re toting an 11, 10, 8, and 6 year old.  Thankfully we are out of the crib, stroller, high chair, and port-a-crib stage.

We’re renting for the first time.  Someone else’s house….someone else responsible for the decisions other than us.  But also someone else to mow the yard, clean the pool (which we’ve never owned) and handle repairs.  I’m hoping that pool provides a tremendous amount of entertainment this summer.

After settling in and taking a breather from all the turmoil of moving the house shopping will start again.  God blocked all our attempts to buy in the beginning of our move so we felt led to rent, get to know the area, and then decide upon where we’ll live.  Good advice but required us moving ourselves for the first time in a long time with the bare minimum to live in our rental house.  Less to clean is the way I’m looking at it.

So here we are.  Moved in but I forgot the router so it’s being shipped to me by my good friend Dede.

Until then it’s blogging by Word!

Looking forward to a bed……

And just because I love pictures….

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