A friend, a promise and a guitar

Yesterday we were surprised by a car repair bill of over 500$.

Can you say YIKES!

I could.
I did.
And I began praying.

Ok, so if I live what I preach there is no fear, there is only faith.
So I called on two friends to pray.  One friend and I coveted to pray for one another that day because she was in a financial bind too.  So I prayed for her and she prayed for me.

It was after one when the phone call came from a source I must keep anonymous.
"I’m sending you a check" she said.
"It will be in tomorrow’s mail."


Why am I consistently surprised when God pulls through?
Do I ever want to not be surprised?
Don’t I always want to be blown away by my Daddy, my Father, Abba?

So I called my friend and shared with her how God answered her prayers for me yesterday.  And of course she was encouraged, overwhelmed and blown away like I was.

He is so good to me.

On a side note….
I had the chance to photograph this handsome man the other day. 
I’m not sure he’s up for grabs ladies but you can enjoy looking anyway.


  1. The Scooper says:

    Oh how I love this story.

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