Making Ends Meet

As I watch my children struggle with ungrateful hearts I find the same wicked heart in myself.

It’s ugly.

I don’t like it.

God has so blessed our family with a job, a warm house, a healthy family, good friends.

But I find myself sometimes staring into the abyss of what once was, how living in debt (although a total lie) was so much easier than trying to live life without it.

Why do our hearts ever wander to what is not?

Why, when He has proven Himself faithful time and time again, do I still struggle for control?

Sometimes I really want to smack myself.  Or take my heart out of my chest, give it a stern talking to and return it to it’s position within my body.

Thankfulness.  Gratefulness.  Contentment.  Peace.

"Lord, let me walk with the wise so that I may be wise.  Give me a thankful heart.  Forgive me when my doubt and unbelief become bigger than you."


  1. quietcajun says:

    I love what you said! All of it! I especially love the image of taking my heart out of my chest and giving it a stern talking to! I needed this reminder! Thanks!

  2. The Scooper says:

    Me too. All of it.

  3. basketflat says:

    It just like anything…pay now or pay later…and by the way you will be paying a lot more if you pay later. Somehow, God slowly helps us learn His ways…thankfully before it gets too bad.

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