Christmas of a Different Sort

I don’t know how many of you watched the Hallmark Special A Dog Named Christmas …it was on a few weeks ago.  We taped it and watched it as a family.  The jest of the story is that a family adopts a dog for Christmas and then the boy asks the entire community to adopt a dog for the Holidays

We had just recently found a stray kitty and gave her to a dear friend. 

We missed her terribly.  All of the sudden there was a hole in our family.  See?

There’s Fred, the now 20 lb cat.  And Cruiser, another stray who found his way into our home about a year ago. 

After contacting PetFinder unsuccessfully we decided to visit our local shelter to see what they had available.

We found a very sweet loving 7 month old cat.  We really had hoped for a younger kitten but, hey, everyone needs a home.  So we adopted her with the help of a dear friend from Bible Study.  She paid for the adoption fee.  Thanks so much!!!

Here she is being held captive by my youngest in the school room.

Oh that’s better, now she’s relaxed!

Needless to say she gets lots of love!

So can anyone guess her name?

So now the unfilled sofa cushion can have a nice warm kitty on it too….
…once we let her outside.


  1. Oh that is so sweet, Julie. I hope that missing spot on the sofa gets warm really soon. 🙂 We like our strays, too. They tend to be good cats. Right now one is our limit, though. Our kids are still hoping for a dog.



  2. tn3jcarter says:

    What a fun surprise. So sweet that your friend blessed you all that way. I know how kitties have a special place in your heart. I think you were in on the Christmas when we got Patches for Joe, weren't you?

    We have 5 farm cats now, but none of them are as cuddly and loving as our good ol' George was. One kind of looks like Christmas though. Her name is Sylvia. We thought she was a boy and named him Sylvester. Oops.

  3. basketflat says:

    What a wonderfully tame kitty for being adopted at eight months. So glad you found the right "Christmas" present for your family.


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