Good News and Bad News….

Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.
Our vacation was awesome.  We had a wonderful time.  My Rocket Man ran on the beach (I didn’t).  I got my exercise in the ocean with the kids.  The weather was mostly great!  We went to the aquarium, the fort, the sunset cruise…..

And I think you all know baby girt got her cast off before the beach.  Yippee!!
We made it home safe and sound, stopped at Nana’s Saturday night for the evening and arrived back home around 3pm Sunday.

We unpacked.
We washed clothes.
We got ready for bed.
And then I missed the bottom step coming down from telling the boys goodnight and broke my foot.
Surgery is tomorrow.

At least we made it to the  beach and back before hurting anything.
God is good!


  1. crazybusy says:

    Oh, Julie!!! Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. Like you said, at least it happened at the end of your vacation, but still.

    Will be praying for an uneventful surgery for you tomorrow. Hang in there!

    Love, Alyssa

  2. basketflat says:

    Ughh! I hope it wasn't too painful? How long is the recovery time? Too many surgeries for your family this year. I'll pray for you.


  3. sixfolks says:

    Oh No, Julie! I'm so sorry to hear that! Praying surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery.


  4. barrynmissy1972 says:

    Argh!!!! I'm glad you had a nice vacation- I will keep you in my prayers concerning your surgery and recovery. Keep us posted,

    God Bless

    Missy In Indy

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh, Julie, so sorry to hear that you are laid up now. Good vibes and prayers for your surgery.


  6. tn3jcarter says:

    I just saw your entry so maybe you've already had surgery by now. I'll just be praying for a smooth recovery.

    Hang in there sister and try to rest.

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