Update on Baby Girl

After our millionth x-ray yesterday we found out that baby girl’s arm was not healing properly.  And that meant surgery and a pin in her arm.  So we spent yesterday and last night at the hospital.  It was not a bad experience until she came out of anesthesia.  And that was rough.  She comes out of anesthesia the way I do…kicking and screaming.
It took a lot of morphine to get her comfortable enough to bring home.  She’s on codeine now.

It’s 3 am and we’re up for food and meds.
Please pray for her pain and the swelling in her hand.  She is right handed and that is the arm she has broken. 

We’re hoping and praying that the cast they’ll put on will be off before we go to the beach.
She’s in a splint now and a sling.
Updates to come.  Hopefully we’ll be back to sleep soon.
Thanks for your prayers.
Please pray for peace and understanding in our house as I try to take care of our three boys too.  We’re two weeks into this and basically starting all over again now.  So it will be 6 weeks or more before we are out of a cast.

I hope this makes some sense.
Need to go get an ice pack.



  1. tn3jcarter says:

    That's awful. I'm so sooo sorry that she had to go through the surgery and had a rough time with the anesthesia. Tony's mom did that after her hip surgery and I was absolutely terrified. I didn't know what in the world was happening.

    I'll be praying for you all that she heals up quickly and is cast free by the time for the beach and that God gives you an extra measure of strength, energy, and joy while you've got so much on your plate.

    Love you all!

  2. MagicalGraphics says:

    Oh….. I'm so sorry for your daughter i understand what it can be like to have such a thing happen from your pictures i'd say she was about 4 or 5 years old i hope this experiance wont make her scared of the docters who are doing this to help.


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