The Broken Arm

Although the ripple effect has certainly been felt in our family since baby girl broke her arm it’s affected her in a far lesser capacity.  Since she is right handed she has trouble eating so we help her.  She can’t climb like she did because she is not supposed to press on her hand.  So we help lift her.  Having three casts in one week and her arm reset was emotionally exhausting for mom.  I think I went to sleep at 8pm that night.

But she still chases the cat

And NOTHING stops, no NOTHING stops the ballerina

The twirling must continue….

The posing must go on….

And crowns must be worn….

And songs must be sung…..

While big brother watches in amazement….

And still won’t ever pose for me.
Even when I’m being sneaky.

Have a great Monday


  1. Anonymous says:

    Julie, those pictures are great!


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    You know you are loving every single minute of that twirling!

  3. basketflat says:

    Oh…your poor little princess. She sure does look happy for having a cast on. I am cast and brace free by the way. That's a great photo of your son for a non-poser. Love his smile.


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