Broken Arms pt. 2 (with photos)

Still waiting to find that darn cord for my little camera but here what I have to share with you….
Baby Girls second cast….
The stuff you see around the top is moleskin to help with the abrasiveness of the cast.

And here’s the mutant thing she got at the ER who now has a cast just like hers.

We’ve had a time with itching and the dr took her off of all meds today and gave her something they give people with Chicken Pox.  It has a mild sedative in it. 

"Oh happy day"  "Oh happy day"

The Loritab and Benedryl were making her crazy. And I’m talking off the wall bouncing like a monkey crazy.

Today she threw herself on the floor screaming this morning and yelled about how badly she was itching and banged on her cast.  So I called the Dr. and said either she needed a different medicine or I did.  And I was open to either.

So we spent the day shopping and I got a few things for the kitchen.  I’m going to paint the table, buy some benches and do a different theme.  Fun, huh??

Anybody have any cast offs they want to send my way???

I’m thinking a good excuse for spending money is finding a way to entertain my dear daughter who can’t be in the heat.

Think my hubbie will buy that?????


  1. basketflat says:

    That slide accident sounds like it would have hurt bad. But, it mustn't be too bad as she looks quite happy and is complaining about the itching. The itching does drive one batty though – I can only imagine being little and thinking your parents can fix anything – why don't they just make it stop itching!?

    She's cute. Whether or not he will, I think he should buy that line of reasoning about buying something new for the kitchen…


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    I bet that doctor knew you meant business when you told him that you were open to being on a medicine yourself. Ha! You poor thing. It's hard to muster up sympathy for a kid that's screaming like a banshee and throwing herself around.

    I used to cringe when I was teaching school and parents would send their kids to school with notes that said, "If he's a little extra restless today, it's because he's taking some medicine that makes him bounce off the walls." That's when you knew that you better say some extra prayers for patience and strength. Ha!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sorry to hear your little girl broke her arm. The poor thing! Those meds do sound like they are making her crazy. Ugh. Hope the 6 weeks go by fast for you guys.



  4. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    Oh, no. I'm so sorry she broke her arm, and that she is feeling so miserable with the itching. I hope the new med is helping. It will be by the grace of God only if my youngest doesn't break some body part!

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