Spring has Sprung

After a wonderful snow last Monday it’s 80 today, Monday, March 9th in sunny SC.
Can you believe it?
The kids are in bathing suits and the sprinkler has run almost all day.  The front yard is littered with toys, naked barbies and dump trucks.

I splurged 4.95 at the grocery store the other day to cheer my heart with some buttercups as we call them in the south.  They are one of my favorite flowers.  I tried to catch them opening one day after they had found a home on my kitchen table.

Here’s in the morning…

A couple hours later….

Then at it’s peak that day….

As my youngest son was watching me tweak some of my photos he wanted to try his hand at post processing so here’s what we got.

Plastic Wrap with the highlight strength, detail and smoothness adjusted until he liked it…

And then we moved on to Glowing EDGES which ended up really cool.  We adjusted the edge width, edge brightness and smoothness until we were both happy (although without mom it certainly would have been a lot funkier).

Fun, huh?  Go ahead and get your kids involved in some wild post processing!


  1. Anonymous says:

    those pix are so beautiful!!


  2. basketflat says:

    Flowers are a great way to cheer ones self up while inside. Daffodils (as we call them up North, buttercups are something different 🙂 ) are especially cheery. We had snow today, but it kept melting. It's supposed to start warming up on Wednesday (which means mid-50's).



  3. crazybusy says:

    Very cool pics, Julie! 🙂 Love the Saran Wrap one! Very unique!

    Love, Alyssa

  4. The flowers are gorgeous! Looks like you all had fun with the last few pics!

    Happy Day!

    Julie D.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful shots, Julie! I love the funky processing and I bet you two had a great time "playing" together. 🙂


  6. the Wanna Be says:

    Do you use photoshop elements for your post processing? I've heard good things about Lightroom also. What do you recommend? (I hope to spend a little tax money on a new piece of software.)

    Thanks for the fun pics.

    Happy temporary spring to you!!



  7. The Scooper says:

    Okay, now I'm coveting photo shop. Is that all with Elements?

  8. Juliestew says:

    It's all with Elements! So much fun.


  9. BunnyBear says:

    my Morgan loves helping me with post processing. I gave him a little PS tutorial one day too. The plastic wrap and glowing edges are very cool filters.

    Just wanted to come over and say hi! Looks like you're putting that 40D to good work!

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