It's my birthday, it's my birthday

Today I turn 44.  I’ve had a blessed life.  I was adopted and have a wonderful family.  I met my birth mom and dad about 5 years ago.  That has been so rich.  Both are Christians and wonderful people.  I have lots of family now. 
Family is cool, don’t you think?

My really cool husband is giving me a weekend away for my birthday.  I’m going to visit my mom and sister for the weekend.

Well it’s that time of year again at our house.  Our youngest son is playing flag football this year.  Look at this move.

And those of you who know about Fred the rather large cat.  Here are a few more photos of his rather large self.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday Julie! I hope you have a wonderful time on your weekend away. I bet it will be nice to reconnect with your mom and sister.

    LOL at your rather large cat. My sister has one, too, his name is Dude. 🙂

    Best wishes on your special day,


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    Hope you have a great time on your weekend away. We ran into the Riggs at Pizza Hut and they said to tell you all Hey. Fred looks like he's still doing well. We're not doing too well with cats around here right now. sigh…

  3. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

    I think it is so wonderful that you have met your birth parents… I hope you enjoy your time away 🙂

    Great pictures!

  4. basketflat says:

    Happy Birthday. A getaway sounds fun. I love personality in big Fred's face.


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