With mouth wide open…

Sheer Concentration!

That’s what it takes sometimes to make right choices.  At least that is the way it’s been in my life.  Some of you “real life” friends know that we have recently been through a job change.  We were so blessed to receive a severance package from our former employers that allowed us to pay off all our debt except our house.  Is that a WOW or what???

The remaining money we planned on socking away in savings and supplementing our income for a while until we adjusted to our new yearly income.  After a few miscalculations on our part we ended up with a little less than we planned.  Still no big deal.  We’d get the rest next year at tax time.  Instead of saving it ourselves we’d let the government get use it for a while.  “Aren’t we kind?”

So with the remaining “sock it away” money we then realized we had not figured in our tithe.  YIKES.
“Ahm, excuse me God, but do we have to tithe this money?”

“I mean, I know it’s income and all but we were planning to save it and ended up with a little less than we thought.  So……???”

looooong preeeegnant pauuuuuse

“Ok, Lord, I’ll just be honest here.  You know my heart anyway.  I don’t want to tithe that money.”

There.  I said it.

I could call myself all kinds of names but let’s just call me a REAL Christian.
Sometimes I don’t want to do what is best for me.
Sometimes I want my way and not the Father’s way.
Sometimes I’m a little dense like that.

So a few days pass and I allow myself to be in this place knowing good and well I’ll do what my DAD wants because, well, I really love him and I’m his girl.  I want to please him.  I want him to smile upon me.  And I love, did I say LOVE?, his blessings.

“Pst….tell ya a secret…..He think’s I’m really special.

So a few days of some heart changing and I begin to pray about where God wants the money to go.  Hmmm……

“Lord, show me who you want to touch with YOUR money.”

And oh my word!
Here’s where the Mouth Wide Open part comes in.
The blessings I have been able to be a part of!!!
It makes me wonder why I ever question Him.  Why do we?  Crazy us!

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
It really is.
I’m not kidding, really!

I have felt so honored just to be a part of God’s work in blessing others that I’m so excited about doing it again.
More often.
With greater fervor.
With greater concentration that I am investing money in eternal things.
That one day when I’m walking the streets of gold He’ll allow me to see what my obedience started, ended or continued.  I’ll see people that I touched and never knew I’d touched.  I’ll see him smile at me and I’ll remember the secret.

“He really thinks I’m really special!”

Be a blessing to someone today.  Try it out.


  1. OldSchoolMarm says:

    Oh Julie you are just the funniest and I love how you dealt with the whole issue of tithing in such an upbeat way and still got your point across :-).

    BTW, He thinks I'm pretty special too :-).

    Blessings, Julie

  2. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    What a great post. I think many of us sometimes have that reluctance. We see all the things that WE want. But, it always comes down to loving God; desiring His best for us. We are always more joyful when we give. I am so glad you were able to find places to bless others. That IS joy.


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