Taking time to talk…

Yesterday I got to chat with a friend of mine via telephone who is also a stay-at-home homeschool mom.  Her hubbie is out of the house a couple evenings a week and she’s the sole parent for 24×7 some days.  When RocketMan traveled I was the sole parent some days too.  It’s a hard job and my hat goes off to all the single parents out there.  I don’t (and I really don’t) know how you do it.

At one time I could think.  And I could complete sentences without the thousands of interruptions I have in a day.

At one time I cared about what happened in other family’s lives and I could do something about that desire to help.

At one time I ministered outside my home.
I cooked meals.
I took bread.
I babysat.

But now is a different time in my life.  My ministry and every single ounce of my energy is taken up at home.  I still care for others.  But not at the level I once did.  I still want to help.  But have no energy for it.  I have four little ones and a husband that take all that I am.  My life is poured into them.

It’s a strange thing, this stay-at-home mom thing.  It’s wonderful, it’s wonderous, it’s frustrating, it’s confusing and it’s blessed.

In my conversation with my friend the other day I realized how much we need each other.  I offered a listening ear if she ever just needs to call and scream, then hang up.  Don’t you wish you could do that sometimes?  Just know that someone else outside of your four walls knows that it’s a tough day?  That someone else can hear you scream?

And as I type I remember God hears.  He see’s my “I’m the absolute worst mom in the world” days.  He sees my frustration when teaching/loving/caring for my kids.

And though I know beyond a doubt that He hears.  It’s nice to have a human ear that hears too.  One who doesn’t judge me when I’m beyond myself with frustration.  One that can listen to me vent and tell me tomorrow will be a new day.

Thanks, friend.
You know who you are.


  1. My hats off to all you stay at home moms, I don't know how you do it all. That you homeschool on top of it…well, you must have the patience of a saint. You might not think you do everyday, but since your kids are still alive and kickin' you certainly do!! 🙂

    You know our first was a binkie boy, so that didn't seem quite so difficult. At least that you could take away. Anya got a blankie back last night to get her to go to sleep and this morning she was carrying it around and sucking her thumb. It definitely is an enabler. *sigh*

  2. I think all of us stay at home moms feel that way from time to time, if not all the time. It's a sacrifice, but with every sacrifice comes a corresponding amount of joy.


  3. And I am so right there with you on every single word you typed.

    Well said.

    I am still having a ball over here. You know why.

    Love you!

    The Scooper

  4. Julie,

    A long time ago you recommended shutter sisters to me. Well, I've just opened my Flickr account and started doing some of the SS projects. How fun! I am really enjoying it. Thanks for your encouragement- in photography and in life.

    I've thought about your post several times this week as I have had to face my limits in helping others. I often struggle with guilt- because I can't do the things I would like to do for people who need help. In this season of life, I have to find ways to be a blessing that fits into my 24/7 job. (Listening to my friends scream- is definitely doable!)

    Anyways, I am going to pry myself off the computer and go teach my children.

    God bless.

    Julie T


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