Not much to say…

or I guess you could call it Wordless Wednesday but I really don’t participate enough to call it that.  But since I’ve not much to say and a ton to do today here’s my big guy shooting hoops.  A sport he had sworn off until just this year.  Before now it’s been football or bust!

Now off to do a whole week of Bible Study which I haven’t touched since last week.  UGH


  1. Hi, Julie!

    I just read your comment to Ree, so I came to your blog to visit. I read today's and yesterday's posts, and I love your honesty about dealing with your tithe. That's what the Bible calls "kicking at the pricks." When we kick something sharp, we just hurt ourselves. We often find ourselves trying to do it our way, and we always find out that God's way is best and the most fulfilling. That doesn't stop me from having to learn this lesson over and over again, though! LOL

    I enjoyed your site, and I'll visit again. Don't give up. More will come!

    Love'n stuff,

    Sandy 🙂

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