More Fun!

But first rats, rats and double rats.
I just deleted my post. 
I just HATE IT when that happens.

Sometimes I wonder if what I’d had to say just wasn’t what God wanted you to hear.


Saturday was spent exploring while Sunday was spent in the yard.  So here are some pictures from Saturday.  We ended up at a local park and big fields just lend themselves to football in our family.  Before long a pick-up game was in full swing.

Forever the coach…

Wonder what he’s thinking?
Dirty feet, green grass, sunshine on your head… does life get any better??

We love fashion in our house (not!).  My poor sister and nieces have to dress me.
Here’s a perfect example.  Flower flipflops, red velvet and leopard print pants!  Yea baby!!

One from Sunday…
Baby girl sharing a swing with her friend who spent the day with us.

And one from my photographer son!…..
Good job buddy.


  1. basketflat says:

    Those are awesome pictures. I love the intensity of your husband even at the day at the park. That's cool that your son in enjoying taking pictures too. My kids want to, I'm sure, but I won't let them near my camera. Except, I did have my step-daughter, who is 10, take the picture for my avatar which is on my site. She is less intimidated by my directions than my husband is. My husband just tells me – it has to totally be in automatic mode with automatic focus or he can't take it. I am envious of your warmth, but you must know I won't be when it comes time for summer.


  2. Those photos are AWESOME!

    Danielle cracks me up.

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