To Thine Own Self Be True

My good buddy, Scooper, has an interesting post you should read about self discovery.  She’s witty and funny and she’s really way cooler than she thinks she is.  I love her.
Her post got me to thinking about my own self.  Is anyone out there struggling with homeschooling this time of year?  Oh it’s a chore right now for me.  I tell myself all the right things…
– enjoy your children
– be grateful, some women must work
– love each day as God gives it to you
But there are times that all this just feels overwhelming.  And like Scooper said in her post I GOT NOTHIN….well, I got nothing.
No extra energy.
No motivation.
No drive.
No get up and go.
Nothing to share or give.
I got nothing.
Life has presented it’s own set of challenges for our family as of late.  Rocket Man has a new job.  It’s stressful but keeps him home at night.  He’s worked out of our home for 10 years.  I miss him during the day.
I wonder what my kids think when they look at me.  I’m certainly not all sparkly and shiny right now.  Loving?  Not sure that word qualifies either.
So here I am.
Words of encouragement?  wisdom?  advice?
Any one have a sweet vacation spot in Maui and want to watch 4 kids for a week?
I’m open to suggestions…..


  1. When you've got nothin, Father God has everything, including YOU! So what if you don't SPARKLE and SHINE or feel loving? Your children think your GREAT and so does God! When we are weak He is STRONG!!!!! Love you…


  2. Well, I don't know if I have any advice, but I definitely can commiserate. This time of year is so hard to homeschool.

    I usually just try to bring in more things that we enjoy as a family…. more field trips, more read-alouds, ect.

    Probably no help, though.


  3. Anybody got a vacation spot ANYWHERE and want to watch 7 kids for the week? Then we can both go!

    You're sweet to give me a bloggy shout out. Am I really cool? I don't feel cool.

    Hang in there, sista. I am taking it one day at a time. It's cliche but true. Sometimes one hour at a time…one minute at a time. And I'm throwing up prayers more (since my "Got Nothin" post), begging for grace and mercy to make it. Not relying on my own self as much. Crazy thing is–it's working. I think He just wanted me to admit I can't do it and ask for help.

    As for homeschooling, I've just resigned myself to the fact that my kids aren't going to Harvard.

    See you tomorrow!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wintertime is so hard anyways, but you have such a hard job homeschooling all your kids. I don't know how you do it…you're a saint! Maybe a field trip to get out the house?? New scenery might be good…


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