My Half Brother and Sister

Here is another piece of my family.  Five and a half years ago I was blessed to meet my birth parents.  On my mom’s side of my extended family I have a brother and a sister….Jill Allene and Jeff.  Over the holidays I traveled to Raleigh where we all gathered at my uncle’s house.  So here we are in all our tall-ness glory.  Our heights respectively are 6.2   6.0   6.8
Yep, we grow ’em tall in the south.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I didn't realize that all three of you were THAT tall. Man 6'8" is like a giant or something!

  2. basketflat says:

    Wow, that is tall. I didn't have any idea you were that tall. I would have just thought your sister there was somewhat short – or you know average. Like me.

    My step-daughter is going to be tall like that. She is ten now and she is getting quite tall, but she has always been tall. It will sure be weird when she is taller than me. Jon measured her at two and she would turn out over six foot based on a double of that measurement. We'll see.

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