A little Photoshop Elements 6 – Playing around

I got a chance to actually play around with Photoshop the other day and wanted to see which photo you liked best….

Here’s the original image:

Here’s one with contrast bumped and a little color adjustment

And here it is in black and white.  I think I may like this one best.

Which one do you like best?

Happy day-after Hump Day!


  1. Nice shot! I think I like the warm colors in the color shot better. Of course, I'm looking at a world of white so color seems pretty nice right now LOL!

    Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful trip. What a great learning vacation for the kids!


  2. basketflat says:

    I actually like the original best, but I tend to like low saturation images. I also like the black and white. I'd like to improve my Photoshop black and white skills.

  3. basketflat says:

    I have CS3. What books do you own? Which one do you like best? I have Photoshop WOW, which I like, but its assignments can be really involved and take more time than I have.

  4. Julie, thanks for visiting my blog. I feel like I know you already since Nancy has told me so much about you. And I follow your blog too! I am NOT very good at all this computer stuff. I always say that Nancy drags me into the 21st century kicking and screaming! BTW, I like the black and white picture best.


  5. I like the black and white! Hello! I am a homeschooler too. You take great pictures. I am afraid of my camera, lol!



  6. Such a sweet image, this pictures. I would have to say I like the first and second best – the black and white is nice, but doesn't speak as loud as the first two with the color to me 🙂 but course that's just opinion ~ it's a wonderful shot! I've enjoyed catching up on your blog here some this evening. I've not made the rounds of reading much of any blog lately being under the weather this pregnancy, but hoping to get more in this month – we'll see.

    Thank you always for your sweet comments you leave ~ it's very kind of you. My son would probably be interested in writing as well – because I've been in bed more than I'd like, we've been having to catch up on school at odd hours and such and so he's been pretty busy w/ lots of schooling, but I will see what he says. He does like to write. 🙂

    Blessings to you and hope you have a wonderful Christmas season!



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