Photos to go along with the story

We’re back from Hendersonville and I promised photos to go along with my story.  So here goes.  (You will be seeing a lot of these in the next few days.)

This is Chimney Rock NC.  There is an elevator inside that takes you to the top so that you can see Lake Luke and the surrounding areas.

Here’s the whole gang on top.

After hiking to the top and having my children frown for group photos we headed back down for our Tracks and Traces lesson.  We made notebooks with actual animal tracks in them and dissected owl pellets.  Here’s what was in ours…

Mouse bones and a skull!

Then off on a hike to the falls:

By this time it was getting later in the day and quite chilly but the gang survived it and we made it back to the cars exhausted.

This is our middle son.  Handsome guy,huh?

And baby girl…

Son #1…always being silly.

More tomorrow from our trip to the Veterans Day Celebration, the museum, and the park!

Always in HIM,


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I really love the one with everyone walking down the tree-lined path. I always love those types of path pictures!

  2. Great pics, Julie! 🙂 Looks like you're doing great getting used to your new camera! Yay! Yes, your middle guy's quite the handsome dude!

    Love, Alyssa

  3. Julie, I love seeing the pictures of your hike and your kids. I think I've been to Chimney Rock, but it has been a LONG time.

    Hope you are doing well!


    PS. what kind of camera is that? You take amazing pictures. I wish you lived nearby and could take a family picture for us!!!

  4. I have a Canon 40D. It's new. I've moved up from an Canon Digital Rebel to an XTi and just got the 40D. I'm loving learning how to use it.

    Wish I could practice on you and your family too.


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