70 then 40!

Yep, you guessed it.  Yesterday was a wonderful 68-70 degrees here in the southeast.  Perfect weather for getting rambunctious boys outside.  We headed to the park while others braved the shopping crowds.  Not this chick!  I knew today was bringing rain and 40 degree temperatures so I saw my window and JUMPED.  One can only take so much of boys being locked up in the house.

Three of the four boys were having an usual chat as we walked around the lake yesterday.  I wonder what #1 son was telling them?  Notice the footballs?  They are never far from my son’s hands.

Here’s my favorite shot of #3 son.  I love all the grays.
Working on it now in a b&w.

One of my good friends came along with her two kids.  This is her youngest.  Look at those eyelashes!  UGH!

And her is my friend and her oldest daughter as we began our walk…

Hope you guys are having a good weekend.
I’m dreading school again on Monday!


  1. I am enjoying my time off of school too…and am not excited about Monday's wake up to start back. I've enjoyed my time off too!

    Love seeing all the pictures of your kids.

    I hope your Thanksgiving was blessed.


  2. Julie,

    Those are awesome pics! You are just rockin' that new camera! 🙂 I love how the boys pop in that first pic.

    Love, Alyssa

  3. Anonymous says:

    Your photos are really beautiful!



  4. basketflat says:

    I love the eyelash shot. I'd frame that one if I were you.

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