When life doesn't go as planned

Several weeks ago now I had one of those days where God specifically spoke to me.  He knows He gets my attention when things come in threes and boy did I perk up that particular day.  I was reading Pioneer Woman’s blog where she’s asked if we were doing what we thought we’d be doing 20 years ago.  "Ahh….is anyone??" 

So as I’m reading through some of the comments I read something to the effect of "if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans."  God laughing….now don’t think of the evil snicker of a villain but think of a wise and loving chuckle of a daddy totally amused with and in love with his child.  You know, like when your 4 year old tells you he’s going outside to get in his rocket ship to go to the moon?  Or your daughter tells you she’s going to be a cheerleader and you chuckle at the dreams of your children…..

That’s how I see God….chuckling at my plans and my dreams because He loves me so much and knowing He has something FAR BETTER planned for me. 

On this particular day weeks ago I first read the quote about God laughing at our plans on Pioneer Woman’s blog, then in the afternoon I was reading a book and read the exact same quote.  That evening we were watching Evan Almighty and Evan is telling God (Morgan Freeman) his plans and God (Morgan Freeman) begins to laugh. 

Okay, by this time I’m sitting up and paying attention.  I’m thinking, "Okay Dad, you got my attention, what does this have to do with?"

I never got an answer from Him but felt as if it had something to do with school this year.  Maybe the boys would actually go to school this year.  Maybe I’d only be homeschooling one?  I just didn’t know.

Well I found out at the end of last week.
Baby girl, who I planned to send to a half day K4 program this year, is now going to be at home with "her boys".

It’s actually been a hard and emotional decision because the teachers she was going to have were just THE BEST.  Our 6 year old had them in K4 and they are just amazing women who really love the kids in their classes.  Our 6 year old son had a wonderful experience with them and I love them dearly. 

When I got a letter in the mail with less than a week before Day 1 of school from a teacher I’ve never met or heard of I was very confused.  After lots of phone calls and tears later I realized that in my heart I had wanted baby girl to have the same experience our son had.

God had other plans. 

So after much talking and lots of crying on my part we’ve decided to homeschool baby girl for K4 along with her brothers who will be in 4th, 3rd, and 1st grade.

I’m always amazed at how God so often lets me know something unexpected is coming down the pipeline of life.  And I admit, I go through a time of "Oh my gosh, what’s going to happen that He needs to warn me about?"  But then I remind myself that I have a Dad who loves me more than anything and has my best interests at heart.  He knew this would be an extremely emotional experience for me, that I’d grieve the loss of 2 special woman (teachers), that the principal of the school would hurt my feelings and there would be no compassion for my feeling/needs/wants, and that all this time I’d be PMSing too. 

"Lord, thank you that you know me so much better than I know myself!  Thank you that you love me more than all the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach.  Thank you for knowing it was going to be a bad week and sending me a message that let me know THIS is your will for me and my family this year.

Now, sweet Jesus….give me the grace, the wisdom and the love to homeschool all four of them!!!"

"Welcome home baby girl.  Strap in for the ride…it get’s a little crazy around here as you well know…"

My crazy son trying on his GIRL cousin’s glasses at Zaxby’s……

The youngest of the boys……never without his light saber.

"Oh no it’s looking pretty crazy around here!"

"I guess if you can’t beat them you join them!"

"I just need to make sure I bring in the reinforcements….Pocahontas and Cinderella!"

Always in HIM…..


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    That is HUGE. Definitely not what you had planned, but that just makes it ever so much clearer that it's God's plan. Sounds like God's ordained this time "for such a time as this" for you to have them all home. Soak it in.

  2. habermom94 says:

    Your post made me think. I had never thought about teaching my own children but I had always wanted to be a teacher. I went to college to become a Elem. teacher, but did not get to finish (long story). Anyway God had other plans and here I am teaching my children!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, sorry it didn't turn out like you planned, but it sounds like it is going just fine. Love that last picture…so cute!

  4. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    How wonderful that you recognize your Father's voice, and know you can trust it. He loves us so much. He has spoken to me so much this past year, especially, and it's such a comfort to hear His voice. Sometimes, like you said, it is quite scary. He repeated several times to my oldest daughter this past winter, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away." She didn't know what was coming, but how comforting that He warned her. Her 2nd best friend moved to Guatemala in March, and her best friend and sister left home this past week. She is lonely, but knows He has plans for her, and that He is her friend and comforter.

    I pray you can relax into your homeschooling schedule. You're ahead of me. We haven't started yet because of traveling.


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