Monday Morning Blues

Our first homeschooling week has been a week of ups and downs.  I’m trying to take joy in the moment, not stress out about my inadequacies and trust I heard the call of my Lord.

The thing that tends to freak me out the most is the Abeka lesson plans.  There’s so much to go through and so much I have to decide to teach or not to teach.  There is almost an overabundance of material.  It’s not the most user-friendly  lesson plans I’ve ever seen.  I’m going to call them today for some help.

Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out…….
Who else is freaking out?????
Alyssa?  Nancy? 
Please tell me I’m not the only one.



  1. crazybusy says:

    Hey Julie,

    Not freaking out here YET, as we are still on break. But you can bet I'll be stressin' when we start back up as we adjust to a new routine with a new baby.

    I don't care for too many choices either. We finished 3 weeks of our new school year in June, before Julianna arrived, to get used to Winter Promise- a new to us curriculum. They list LOTS of hands-on activities to choose from each week & I wish they'd just give one or two! It takes me a while to go through the list & pick & choose the ones that I think would be best for the week. Argh!

    It'll get easier, Julie! 🙂 HUGS!

    Love, Alyssa

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    Not stressing yet because we haven't started. I haven't used Abeka much – only for first grade reading and even then I found it to be pretty demanding. I love how colorful it is, but I think even though everything is "laid out for you" and is all supposed to coordinate, you still end up having to make decisions about which activities to do or skip.

    Even when I taught public school, I kept the emphasis on "learning is fun" those first few weeks. Don't let the curriculum dictate what you all do. It's just a resource for you. Now, that might totally throw a kink in your plans if you were pretty much just planning on following the Teacher's Book, but you might be able to relax and enjoy things more that way.

    I think if I had kids as close together in age as yours, I'd be alllllll about unit studies. You can do it. Remember the Lord says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

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