Football…it’s that time of year.

Ann’s blog at Resolved to Worship never ceases to touch my heart.  Her son Scott broke his hand and will be unable to play football this year.  It just breaks my heart to know this sweet little boy’s dreams of football this year have vanished.  Ann has such a sweet way of pointing her family to Jesus.  Check out her blog here and her post about Scott here.  And please remember to pray that Scott’s hand would heal, sounds like it was a pretty nasty break.

Our football season has begun here too.  Both of the older boys are on different teams this year.  I watched our oldest son practice last night.  He moved up an age bracket this year and is playing with the 9-10 year olds. While my husband has stayed behind to coach our younger son’s team our oldest is making his way with the older boys (sniff, sniff)

Warming up before practice…..

This series shows him doing those belly buster things….
They make me sick just watching.

And this little fellow has got to be the cutest thing….
He’s the coach’s grandson

Now for practicing the plays they are learning…

while baby girl makes a new friend and gets covered in SC red dust.

Remember to pray for Ann, her family and Scott….

Always in HIM….


  1. Anonymous says:

    I am touched by your sweet caring heart for Scott ~ I can see you understand – having boys who play ball! Was hard night for him as he went to his coach this evening. . . my prayer is that he will see God as a good God through this suffering, as hard as that may be right now. Thank you for your kindness.~

    a. ann~

  2. I clicked over from Pioneer Woman and loved reading your post about football. My boys are happy to be back on the field too! Happy rest of the summer!

  3. Anonymous says:

    HI Joshua,

    Thank you for praying for my hand. I liked your football pictures. I think my brothers and I would like playing with you and your brothers. I might be able to play the last three games of the season if my hand heals. I will just have to see.

    Scott Welch

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