Football and other stuff….

Well day two of school is accomplished and I have to admit I’m exhausted.  I think most of it is emotional and I know things will fall into a routine but I’m not the happy, enjoying my children mother I want to be.  School has gone well and I am enjoying that but afterwards I want to climb into a hole and recover until 8am the next morning.

I’m hoping God works all this out in me because I don’t like what I hear coming out of my mouth….lots of moaning and not much uplifting.  I know the kids probably want to toss me out for a new mom.  YUCK.

Just keeping it real guys, just keeping it real.

On other less depressing notes…..
Here’s a few great pictures of the kids playing around at our oldest son’s football practice the other night.

Oldest son…..
(who is that with that water bottle???? UGH!)

The race at the other end of the field:

“Whew mom, I beat my boys!”

On another note:
I’m trying to get my blog working correctly for those of you who are on my contact list.  In the past you were able to get an email and click directly on a link that took you to my most recent post.  Several of you have told me that it’s not working lately.  If you don’t get a direct link with this post will you leave a comment or shoot me an email and let me know?

So that means you Dad, Sandy, Melinda, Mom, Andrea and Randy!

Always in Him…
even when I’m evil mommy…..


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    The whole, wiped-out, evil mommy thing. I haven't been a bucket of sunshine myself. And I'm exhausted. And I've been reading that on other blogs too.

    I think there's a bit of some spiritual warfare stuff going on. Folks are trying to get into the swing of things and Satan is just throwing all his darts. Bob & weave my friend, bob & weave. :o)

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