Storms and Blessings and Friends

We have a very good friend who lives here:
Isn’t her house beautiful?

And she has this beautiful gorgeous stunning thing in her yard:
Come to mama!!

And lots of these this time of year:

We’re blessed to be able to enjoy her yard during the summer.
There are lots of these around:

And these:

And her yard has cool things you just don’t have when four children run around all the time:
(I often go there to remember what it’s like to be an adult)

The day before yesterday we had a sudden severe storm sweep through our neighborhood/community and lightening struck a tree in her front yard.  This is what lightening looks like when it runs down a BIG tree…..

Here’s the hole the lightening bolt made beside the tree where all the shards are in the above photo:
Freaky huh??

Here’s another angle of the way the lightening bolt ripped the bark from the tree:

One of the scariest things about all of this was that the tree is only this far away from the house:

And sent these all over the yard:

Today a tree guy took the tree out for her saying that it would certainly die, nothing much can survive a strike like that I guess.

I stood in awe yesterday of God’s power, his might and his protection over this sweet couple’s house.

And I just had to share!


  1. crazybusy says:


    You must enter that butterfly pic into your county fair or *something*! (county fair's on my mind cuz ours is coming up) That is beautiful!Your friend's house- WOWOWOOW! 🙂 Nice!!!!! That pool looks quite inviting, even if it is sprinkling outside right now.

    That's crazy what the lightening did to the tree! I've never seen anything like that before! Scary stuff!

    Thanks for sharing!

    (p.s. killing the dog, among many other emotions, crossed my mind too! Argh!)

    Love, Alyssa

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    I'm so glad that her home was ok. And I'm so totally with you on wanting a beautiful pool with a waterfall! Come to Mama indeed!!

  3. Atlantagirl says:


    The picture of the quiet community is so breathtaking. I live in a more crowded, intown nhood but am considering, along with my husband, a move to the Greenville area (he's from the upstate). This picture looks like the type of area where we'd like to be–with space, and lots of it, between homes. Can you tell me the general area in which this nhood is located? We also homeschool four kids, similar in age to yours.


  4. Hi Ashley.

    Without saying too much we live outside Greenville. There are so many beautiful rural areas. Just depending upon which direction you want to go and how far away from Greenville you'd like to live. Some areas to look in are Pickens, Liberty, Easley, Six Mile, Mauldin, Dacusville. It's just so very beautiful here you can't pick a bad spot. There is a beautiful road in Pickens called Belle Shoals Road and it has some of the prettiest houses and land. If I was moving I'd pick a spot there.

    Hope this helps.


  5. Julie,

    Thanks for the info. I have looked in one of those areas and thought the overall "look" was familiar. We had been talking about this for some time, and then one day I somehow stumbled upon your blog. When I saw the pictures, it really inspired me! Have a great week.


  6. Hope what I said helps. The Mauldin area won't be as rural as what you've seen on my blog but it's near Greenville. The other areas are more rural. If you need anymore help just email me (link on my blog) and we can discuss it more.

    We'd love you have you close!!!


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