Perfection isn’t what it used to be

Before getting married and having kids perfection meant something entirely different than it does now.  Once upon a time it meant that everything was done just so, looked just so and worked just so.

Now it means that someone, something is exactly as they are…..just as God made them.  Photos aren’t perfect, people aren’t perfect, things aren’t perfect…..well, not in the everyday sense of the word.  But things, people and circumstances are perfectly okay.

Take this strand of hair for example…..
I pondered this photo for a long time wondering if I wanted to put the effort into removing it.  Finally I decided I’d rather adjust my idea of perfect and remember the warm windy day, my baby girl’s bed head and PJ’s just as they were yesterday… perfectly designed.  So here’s my baby girl… a perfectly imperfect photo!

(If you want to view my Freaky Friday Foto I posted it yesterday.  Just keep scrolling down)

Always in HIm,


  1. Anonymous says:

    Gosh, my grandaughter is beautiful even with a bad hair day!

  2. upstatemom2 says:

    Hi Julie!

    I think some of the most beautiful things we encounter are not "perfect" by some standards. Your princess is beautiful!

    We live in upstate NY, so the 93 degrees for our wedding was especially unusual.

    Love your blog!


  3. Anonymous says:

    God makes ALL things beautiful! And she's a beauty!

    Love the grandma's comment… too sweet.


  4. 4littletreasures says:

    She is adorable!

  5. thornfaith says:

    Wow your girl is so cute…and I am sure the boy(s) are too all I got to see was a fat lip and a toe with no skin…but I am sure I will find one that is cute too…tee he!

    Thank you so much for the camera info, I had not looked to see if anyone replied on crazybusy's blog yet. This info is great!!!!


    Edited by thornfaith on Jul. 22, 2008 at 7:53 AM

  6. thornfaith says:

    oh lol I did not see the pics at the top of your blog…I scrolled down too fast. Well too cute!!!


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