First Saturday happened…

And then Monday happened!
It must be our week for mishaps.
Saturday was bee sting day (read here)
And today our oldest son did this at the lake.  Don’t know how, don’t know where.  But YUCK.
He said he stubbed his toe on a rock.  It bled and bled and bled.

This was taken Monday night after we got home and I was redressing the wound.
There’s a bit of Neosporin on his toe but definitely NO SKIN!!

Tuesday we have a trip planned to the Water Park.  I think I need all of you to pray for a safe trip!!!



  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Praying for you all. And I will get some chickweed salve over to ya when I get home. That would be great for this too!

  2. crazybusy says:

    Oh my GOSH! OUCH!!!!!!! Poor guy!!!! *cringing*

    When it rains, it pours, huh? That's how it goes around here too.

    Love, ALyssa

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, no! Poor guy…I wonder how he did that?

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