A bad day

Saturday was a bad day here.  Our middle son was stung by a bee while swimming.  You see the results below and then as we were getting in the car to go have dinner we got too close to a yellow jacket nest and I got stung, as did baby girl.  The good news?  My oldest, who is allergic to yellow jackets, did not get stung!!!

Let me tell you those nasty little guys are aggressive!

Here’s our poor baby after his lip was about half the size it started out…..

Today, Monday, it’s still swollen and goes through various degrees of “swellingness” throughout the day.  (I know, that’s not a word!)

Any suggestions?  I’m trying a tea bag as I type.

IN HIM and thankful for HIS protection over our oldest….


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    See if you can find some chickweed salve. It is the BEST thing for bugbites, burns, scratches, etc… If someone around here gets stung, we put it on it right away and it really takes away the pain and reduces the swelling. It's truly remarkable. I should post about it sometime.

    We buy it in a little round tin at a local amish store. I'm not sure if other stuff online is as good. I can't get to my tin right now to tell you what all is in it, but I can get back to you with that info later if you still want it.

  2. crazybusy says:

    Oh my gosh, poor guy!! 🙁 Ouch! And poor mom and baby sister too!!

    A couple of years ago, Gabe got too close to a wasp nest and he came running in the house screaming & crying (and he's my tough boy)- several of those darn things were stinging him over & over! They got under his cowboy hat somehow… oh it was awful. I felt so bad for him!

    I'm not sure what you can put on it? I'm glad your allergic child didn't get stung!

    Love, Alyssa

  3. MOMatHWTK says:

    What a blessing that your allergic child wasn't stung! So sorry for the pain the rest of you are enduring. Two of my littles just go stung today as well. They are recovering but not too happy about the experience! Not tips for the swelling other than trying some Benadryl.

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