What Fairies Do…

Saturday we had a few fairies visit our house.  They were of the pink and green variety.  Did you know that fairies can be very destructive?  They completely destroyed my little girl’s room.
They flitted around the house, in the house, out in the yard, around the driveway and then down the street.  They even stopped for a while to dig worms with one of the elves that was outside playing.  One fairy finally had to leave and that made the other fairy very sad.
She must have played very hard because she was asleep shortly thereafter.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh my…they are SO CUTE! Anya has that backpack/My Little Pony, too. 🙂


  2. lifelearning says:

    Awwww! Sweet fairies. 🙂

    We loved the movie. Little Miss Princess decided to nap for the second half of the movie though. 🙂

    I'm hoping to begin scrapbooking soon, so the kids can enjoy all the photos more. I have two white boards hanging up for layout planning to avoid little fingers messing with things. 🙂

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