
Today I’m taking a break from beach photos to show you what’s going on in our house.  Nothing really exciting but I alway enjoy seeing where you guys live.  It’s one way internet friends begin to know a little more about one another.

Okay, so If someone blindfolded you and walked you into my house while we were gone you could tell that it’s summer from the laundry room and the clothes waiting to be folded.  Here’s what you’d see….

Baby girls swimsuit drying in the laundry room, all the swim shirts hung to dry and the super cool gardening bag that I got at Hobby Lobby and use it to house all of our sunscreen….

Our vast array of swim shirts…

Mommy’s swim suit washing in the washing machine…

and a laundry basket full of beach towels…..

Yep, it’s definitely summer here!

We spent yesterday afternoon at the lake and didn’t get home until almost 11pm last night.  It was a great afternoon and evening swimming, fishing and boating.  There’s this terrific waterfall we played in until almost dark last night (sorry, no photos of that) and then we built a campfire.  It was hard to believe how chilly it got after the sun went down. 

What are you guys doing this summer???


  1. quietcajun says:

    are the swim shirts from coolibar? I am going to do a post on swim suits soon

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