Guess where we’re spending our time???

Lots of this (above)

Makes for some very thirsty kids! (below)

What are you doing with your summer????


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Y'all have a great time!

  2. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    Looks fun to me!

    We have an unusually hectic summer. James and I just got back from our trip and the girls got home yesterday from the grandparents'. We let Marissa take basket weaving and painting classes this year, and they run the next 2 weeks. That's a 30 min. drive each way. The 3rd week is VBS, and the 4th week, all but 2 of us will be at my parents' again for a week. The other 2 will be in Guatemala. Whew.

    Loved the fairy pictures.


  3. Anonymous says:


    Your pictures are really wonderful.

    I love the princesses on the bikes!!

    Beautiful light in those shots.

    Miz Booshay aka Donna

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