Yesterday a friend invited us to come and swim at her pool.  The other mom and I didn’t get in the freezing cold water but the kids had a blast.   She even made dinner for us….
Homemade biscuits, fresh strawberries and vanilla ice cream…can you say yum, yum?
It’s a family tradition of theirs, one I’m glad she let me in on.

When we got home last night I tried to do some work with my 18% grey card outside.  It’s awfully hard to get a accurate reading with moving targets.  I didn’t post process any of these pictures but wanted to share some with you.

This was taken at my friend Lisa’s house when we took a break from swimming.  I love the bokeh (background blur).

This one turned out a little blue despite my attempts at using my gray card but I’ll process that out later…..I love her sly expression.

And this is what I got from #3 son when I asked him to stand beside his sister…..

I loved this one….despite the Propel bottle!

We caught a turtle and had fun watching it cruise around the yard.  He had a broken shell that had mended.  It was really cool to look at how the shell had healed back together.  Here’s Thomas the Turtle…

And last but not least, flowers picked by all my kids just for mom…


  1. crazybusy says:

    Very nice, Julie! 🙂 I can't believe how well you focused on your DD's face @ f/1.8 while she was swinging! Hard to do! Love DS's missing teeth!

    The 85mm is a nice lens, huh?

    Oh, did you ever get the RAW thing figured out? I've only shot in RAW once so I'm no help there.

    Love, Alyssa

  2. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    Looks like a great day!

    Love the pictures!

  3. Anonymous says:

    That dinner sounds yummy!

    I need to get my grey card soon. I usually end up fixing everything in Photoshop, but it would be nice to save a step.


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