Theme Thursday – Flowers

Stacy at The Land of KA had a theme for today of flowers.
My challenge to you is to name all these flowers because some of them I know and some I don’t.
So here’s what’s in my yard and in my neighborhood’s yards Stacy!


  1. Anonymous says:

    These are all beautiful – I couldn't help you with names, though! the last one especially is stunning.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Great shots and beautiful flowers! The last one is a daylily, but I'm not certain on the others.


  3. Anonymous says:

    I just remembered…if that first one is a vine – then it is a clematis. The flower and the buds look just like our clematis. 🙂


  4. says:



    day lily

    they are beautiful!

  5. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    I didn't recognize the clemantis, I guess because ours is pink. I did know the azealia. They are all so pretty. Our clemantis went wild this spring.


  6. I am no help with flower names, I call everything by color and that is the extent of my flower knowledge. But those shots are beautiful – such great detail.

  7. golightly says:

    Not a clue, but they are beautiful!

  8. lifelearning says:

    I have no idea what type of flowers they are, but they are beautiful. 🙂

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