Birthday Girl and the movie Prince Caspian

Today (the 28th) the baby of the family turned 4.  She’s out of pull-ups, took her booster seat out of her chair at the table this week and has made her daddy promise not to quit singing songs just because she’s a “big girl now”.

Here are some pictures from this morning.  It was ultra cloudy today so my indoor photos are quite ‘blah’ but I captured the birthday moment which was the important thing.

Here’s her tray of goodies….a barbie movie, two coloring/sticker books, gum, flowers, a flower pot, a watering can, a princess mirror, gifts from her brothers, a book and a couple other goodies…
(Note the pink water pistol to shoot brothers)

Here’s her big brother with her.  I accomplished the unposed smile from him after much persuading…

Here she is posing beside her presents with one of the flowers, her lei and her princess dress and crown on….

Trying to open her Barbie Mariposa movie (that her brothers have watched with the twice now)  Shhh…don’t tell anyone.

Daddy’s homemade card for his baby girl…..

Mom’s artsy photo of some of her flowers and her princess mirror…

On a side note I went to see Prince Caspian the other day and loved it.  I had heard that it wasn’t as good as #1 but I liked it just as much.  Of course when Aslan arrived on the scene I did nothing but cry until the end of the movie.  I can’t wait to curl up with Jesus as the lion.

My babies are growing up…….
sniff, sniff….


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I'm sure it will be a wonderful year for your baby. Mine is edging close to 7 now. Yikes!!

  2. crazybusy says:

    Aw, happy birthday to your sweet lil' princess! I always thought she was close to 5!

    Love, Alyssa

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think your pictures are beautiful, and your blog is lovely, too. My baby girl turns 3 in about 3 weeks; I wish I could make her believe she's my baby forever.

    Thanks for visiting my photoblog!

    Dawn @ My Home Sweet Home

  4. lifelearning says:

    Love the birthday pictures. 🙂 Do you scrapbook? We're heading out to see Prince Caspian this afternoon. The kids have no idea and it's been a while since we all went to see a movie in the theater together. I can't wait to see their faces. 🙂

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