Photoshop Elements 6.0 Tip 2 – Making a Smile

The liquify tool….making a smile

Ok, so let me show you the photo first.  I didn’t retouch these at all except for the tool I’m showing you so know they could have been a little brighter and sharper but no time!!!!  So, onward…….

Here’s NO SMILE….

and here’s a SMILE……..

Pretty cool huh?

Ok, here’s the steps.
Open the Editing part of Elements 6.0
Choose Filter, then Distort, then Liquify
In the Tool Options on the right hand side of the page choose a brush size that is about the size of the person’s cheek.
Place the brush at the base of the cheek, click and hold your mouse down while you drag slightly up.
If necessary (which it wasn’t in this photo) do the other side. 
And as the wonderful book indicates be careful how far you tug or you’ll turn your cute little one into Joker from Batman Returns
Click OK to apply the change adn save as a copy!

Have fun!!!
(taken from The Photoshop Elements 6.0 Book which can be purchased here.)


  1. that is one super cute kid

  2. sixfolks says:

    I think I saw you Thursday night. Were you wearing a light blue baseball cap and driving a white mini van? I don't know if that was you or not, I didn't see a camera 🙂 If it was, our boys played the game after yours.

    We're selling our RV. We have had so many people come to the worship service at our home on Sunday mornings that we had to rethink if the RV decision was the right thing to do. We are looking at a loft apartment because they have so much living space. We could have many more join us on Sundays.

    We have other fields in Easley at Red Owens Complex. No fence in the way. Great for pictures!

    Well, I better go help my hubby clean. We had three extra kids last night and this place is a disaster!


  3. MamaBugs says:

    you are too kewl! can I touch you? never mind…i'm not worthy. i am a mere pse minion…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Good job!

    For your comment on the eraser not working. Check the color palette on the left side toolbox. Make sure the white is on top and the black is on the bottom. Hopefully that fixes it.

    Stacy 🙂

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