
Our oldest son loves to run the football.  I mean LOVES to RUN the FOOTBALL.  Like, he was made for that specific purpose.  It’s amazing to watch him function in his gift.  I hope and pray that he always uses it to glorify the Lord.  We talk a lot about that.  I want him to understand that his gift is a vehicle to tell others about His Lord.  It reminds me too, that I am to glorify Him in all that I do…..

Here he is (#7) dodging his opponent and running for a touchdown.

It’s not the same in still motion but it’s quite a joy to watch!
Have a great Monday.


  1. sixfolks says:

    That's a great picture Julie. My sons' team is getting killed in football. Hope ya'll are having a better year.


  2. sixfolks says:

    Thanks for the encouragement about flag football. Maybe next year will be better.

    Our house hasn't been shown for a while. It does have a contract on it but it is contingent upon the other couple selling their house in this wonderful economy. Camping in the RV is great. If you want to pull in beside us, come on — but we're still in our back yard. Don't know how exciting that would be for your spring break 🙂 Maybe next year we'll be somewhere worth coming!


  3. crazybusy says:

    Very cool! Look at him go! 🙂 Great pics, Julie! 🙂

    Love, ALyssa

  4. Anonymous says:

    It might not be the same in still photos but it looks AMAZING to me ! I can so see the talent and the drive in him. How wonderful !

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