Archives for February 2008

How well do you really know me???

Check out my quiz here!!!
Whoever scores the most points wins a prize!
Good Luck!

UPDATE:  Looks like there will have to be two winners because I forgot Ms Nancy was going to read my blog and I lived next to her for 3 years.  She got them all right!!! 

UPDATE #2:  Well, well, my dad beat my mom on my quiz.  Can you believe that??  And joining Nancy with a 100% score is my friend Sandy and my dad.  Way to go guys.

And ignore my misspelling of "meet" in my quiz.  It was late and I can’t figure out how to change it!

Guess what's new at our house?

This week we have gotten two new musical instruments at our house.  One I do not have a photo of yet but the other I do.  My oldest son even brought it to the park today to show one of his friends.  So, since you couldn’t join us for our wonderful, one of a kind, 70 degree day, here’s a snapshot of today.  Hope you all had wonderful weather too!!


Okay, I’ll play.  I got tagged by HOME FOR HIM and here goes……
SIX Unimportant things about me:

1.  I’m a texture person.  If it’s squishy or squirmy I ain’t eating it!!!

2.  I’d rather go barerfoot than wear shoes.

3.  My nieces keep me in a "semi-fashionable" state.  Without them who knows what I’d wear.  (Thanks Korey!  Thanks Kensley!)

4.  My husband and I sleep in a king size bed.

5.  I want one of those huge new wide screen monitors but don’t want to pay for one!  Anybody have one they are giving away??

6.  In my next life (ha, ha) I’m coming back as one of those Dancing with the Stars star!

How about you???

Freaky Friday Foto

Here’s my Freaky Friday Foto as promised!  Is that cardinal crazy or what?  This is the launch prior to slamming into my bedroom glass door.  See my post below for more pictures and the entire story of psycho-cardinal.
