Just a hello

Well, I’m 4 day post-op now and doing well.  I had to go to the dermatologist this morning and I’m pooped now.  Baby girl and I are sacked up in the bedroom watching Wonder Pets.  And a nap is imminent.   My knee is healing nicely with more mobility each day.  I’m just amazed at how much anesthesia takes out of you.  I’m hoping to make it to the Sauna another day this week to help my body get rid of the anesthesia.

Oh, for you photography buffs Snapfish has some great things on sale right now.  Their New Year’s Clearance of 40% off has been extended through January 19th.  (www.snapfish.com)

Any of you guys want to run for president so I’ll have someone to vote for?

Off to snooze….
Have a good day.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    That sauna idea sounds great! This cold snap has really made my fibro flare up and I am SO achey.

    I think we're going to have to do a write-in campaign for President. Does Tripp want to run? If he would change his stance on college football I KNOW I could get Tony to vote for him! :oP

  2. crazybusy says:

    Julie! I must've missed that you were going to have surgery. Aw, take good care! I hope you're feeling okay!

    Loved your presidents comment- I'll vote for them too!

    Love, Alyssa

  3. Praying for a quick recovery!

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