Slowly but Surely

Slowly but surely the house is getting decorated for Christmas.  I don’t know how anyone does it all!  I guess part of my problem is that I don’t like decorating now that I have kids.  I like decorating in quiet, no questions being asked, with my favorite music playing in the background.

That’s not the way it is around here.  Question after question, if I can keep them out of the attic long enough to get just one box unpacked then I’m doing well.  They want to open everything in the most disorderly fashion.  Ugh. 

Is this really supposed to be fun?

Julie (Grinch)


  1. Remember there are going to years when they all won't even be able to make it home to help unpack and cause commotion! Try to change your expectations and just enjoy your little ones. Afterall, the PERFECT Christmas was the first one. The rest are just to remind us of Him!

  2. BChsMamaof3 says:

    I feel the same about decorating and have to force myself to have fun but my husband loves to decorate so HOORAY for me. LOL.

    Have a blessed evening,


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