Something they don't tell you!

Here’s something I bet most of you don’t know.  I just learned it yesterday. 
Braces can cause the roots of your teeth to shorten.

Maybe not a big deal at first but definitely can be a big deal later if you are ever dealing with root canals and the likes.  I have a tooth that had a root canal many years ago and then I ended up having surgery on the tooth (really the gum) because of some infection.  I’ve been trying to get the metal eliminated from my mouth and so my dentist and I have been exploring our options again.  The endodontist recommended a dental implant.  A TITANIUM POST SCREWED INTO MY HEAD….okay, thanks but NO THANKS.

I just don’t remember the orthodontist ever telling that orthodontics could shorten the roots of my teeth.  I may (or my mom) may have still chosen to have them but it would be nice to know that as a possible side effect.  After talking with my dentist this morning it seems that the longer you wait to put braces on your child the better.  That way the teeth have time to fully develop before you begin messing with them.

On another note, a much brighter one, I’ve been searching for my original bible for 2 weeks now and finally found it this morning.  YIPPEE.  I’ve bought a new one and use it but my old one has 12 years of growth etched in the margins.  I took my bible on a trip 2 weekends ago and haven’t been able to find it since we returned.  Let me tell ya, I’ve torn this house apart!  God certainly used it to get a few junky closets and drawers cleaned out!!!

(Big Sigh!) I love my bible



  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Bummer on all the dental stuff. Tony's dealing with a little right now too.

    So glad you found your bible though. I love to read through the margins of my old ones too.


    I am so glad you found your Bible. I know what that is like. I sometimes bring mine upstairs and forget that I did and I look all over downstairs and don't find it all day.

    Samiam just got braces and we put it off for financial reasons. She just turned 16 so I hope we waited long enough. : )

    Thanks for the info!


  3. crazybusy says:

    Hi Julie,

    Just wanted to let you know I sent you an email about the photography questions. Write me back if you have further questions about something.

    TTYL! 🙂

    Love, Alyssa

  4. castlekids says:

    I love my old Bible too! I have new ones but I keep going back to the one with all the notes in it.

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