Off we go!

This Saturday my youngest son turns six.  It’s so hard to believe.  When we moved here I didn’t even know I was pregnant.  It was shortly after we moved to South Carolina that I found out I was pregnant.
I wanted to do something special and memorable for his birthday (plus I’m one of those nightmare moms who hates throwing birthday parties) so my husband and I came up with the idea of going to Stone Mountain GA for the day Saturday, watching the laser show that night, and sleeping in a HOTEL.  I really think that is going to be the part he enjoys most.  My husband had reward points so we don’t even have to pay for the hotel.  We’re staying in the Evergreen Marriot right at Stone Mountain.  Yippee!!!!
We’re all really excited.
Now, what to do for #2 son’s birthday.  It’s in February…..


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Don't you want to take your kids to the St. Louis zoo? :O)

  2. hip hip hoooray for six year olds! i am sure you will all have a grand time!

  3. Have a Blast in Georgia! The hotel would be my youngest son's favorite part too!

    Happy Birthday to your little guy! : )

    Julie D.

  4. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    How wonderfully fun!

    I know I would enjoy that!!



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