Crazy! Crazy life.

Life here has been a little nuts as I’m guessing it’s been for most of you.
I have two going to school this year so we’ve been busy buying school supplies.
I also have one homeschooling this year and we just got all our curriculum for him.  A beka looks HARD!  I have to admit I’m a little nervous!!!

A very good friend of mine just moved in with our family.  How ’bout that?  We’re in our 40s and just now getting to live together.  She’s taking some time off of work and will be with us for a while.  We are both excited and my family is looking forward to having her here. 

So things are busy.  The kids are having trouble getting into the mindset of school, and so is mama.

Hope you guys are starting off a little smoother than we are.



  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Ha ha. Just kidding. We're not going to start until after Labor Day.I've got a big ol' fat box coming soon with a big ol' mish-mash of this, that, & the other. It'll be interesting seeing how things go with Jon. On one hand, he's kind of ready, but on the other hand, he's a little intimidated by the whole idea of doing school like his big brudders.

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