It's just me

When you are the photographer in the family it is so rare to have photographs with you in them.  The only way I ever seem to get a picture of me is when we are with a family who has another "photographer" in it’s ranks.  So it was a month or so ago at a friend’s birthday celebration.  Know that what you are about to see is very RARE footage of me and my husband together, looking half-way decent ( I mean I actually have on makeup and clothes), and in the same photograph without me having to Photoshop us that way.  Feel honored my friend!!  Feel honored!


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Just this past week I went through and dug out all my pictures that were tossed in a rubbermaid box and organized them by years and found some cute ones of you & Tripp and baby Joshua & Caleb. Maybe some sweet days I'll get them in a scrapbook. :O)

  2. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    I have so many pictures of my girls and their dad and hardly any with me. Guess that's the price we pay of being the shutter bug.

    Great picture of you though!!

  3. It's the same way around here. Very few pictures of me, as I am always the one *behind* the camera. 🙂

    Very nice picture!

  4. MySmokyMtnHomeschool says:

    What a cute couple! I'm in the same boat as you… we have tons of pics of my kids and my dh… but hardly any of me. I'd much rather be *behind* the camera then in front.

    Thanks for sharing!


    Amy Beth

  5. giggles3 says:

    The picture looks great! And I love the new look of your layout very light and cheerful 🙂

    Good day to you!


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