From the Beach…


We are at the beach!  Yippee and Yes, again!  My aunt’s beach house opened up a week before we were originally supposed to leave so I took advantage of it, loaded the kids and my best friend and off we went.

We’ve been here a couple of days now and I’m finally starting to settle into “beach mode”.  The kids eat what they want whenever they want.  All cooking was done on day one so everything can be heated from the “frig”.  And I’m beginning to relax.  It always takes me a couple of days to wind down and allow my body to veg out. I’m there. 

The house is on the market at home and my hubbie has been left with a few things to do before he heads south to join us.  I know God had me out of there so He can do his thing.  I felt this so strongly.  And keeping a house in “show status” with four kids is no easy task.  I’m hoping and praying that we will have a contract on the house by the time we get home. 

The kids are excited about God moving us to a new house and about their dad coming to the beach in a couple days. 

All for now because I can only get a wireless connection in one bedroom with the computer turned west and standing on one ear!

Sunning and Funning…



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