What is this??

Does anyone know what kind of bird this is??
When we had field day on Friday for my son’s K4 class this little lady had a fit!  We set up the round pen for the horses a little too close to her territory.  She had a fit and yelled at us for most of the morning.  She finally disappeared somewhere.  She seemed to be a ground type bird and had the walk of a sand piper.  I’d love to know what she is.  Anybody know???

Oh, after a google search I found out it’s a killdeer.  Very interesting to read about.  You can do so here.


  1. BChsMamaof3 says:

    What a neat bird! We have been learning about birds ourselves lately so I'm glad you shared : )



  2. Hearthstone says:

    Julie – my teenage son studies birds, and he thinks it to be a Killdeer. If it has a nest with eggs, it will feign a hurt wing to draw you away from its nest. They are wonderful birds, and make a happy "peeeeeeep" sound – even late into the evening. They do build their nests on the ground, and they are well camouflaged. My son says the baby birds are the cutest ever, so hopefully you’ll get to see them! Thank you for sharing the picture!

  3. BChsMamaof3 says:

    I just finished reading the book:

    All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlan

    to my daughter and wouldn't you know it but there in it was a Killdeer! I would have never known if I hadn't learned about it from you : )



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